Guns and their history: The most famous real Western gunfighters (Part I) When we think of gunfighters, our minds are filled with those emblematic ...
Read moreGuns and their history: TOP 5 weapons of the Far West For decades we have seen, thanks to the cinema, an endless number of films about the Wil...
Read moreGuns and their history: With what weapon was J.F Kennedy Killed? Speak today of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is speaking of one of the...
Read moreGuns and their history: 5 Weapons from World War II that you will find in Call Of Duty: Vanguard Shooters are more trendy than ever. Every ye...
Read moreNapoleon Bonaparte is known as one of the greatest imperialist symbols in the entire history of Europe. His fame emerged during the French Revolution,...
Read moreGuns and their history: The most expensive weapons of the second world war The Second World War not only designated one of the most significan...
Read moreGuns and their history: the SMLE Mk III rifle On 26 January 1907, the iconic Lee-Enfield Mk III rifle, also known by its initials SMLE (Short ...
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